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Skeptic Presents: You Can’t Handle the Truther

We are pleased to present the third in our series of videos that promote science and critical thinking through the use of humor, wit, and satire. In this video, You Can’t Handle the Truther, CIA Agents plot the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon. If you missed our first two videos, check them out: The Con Academy and B.Y.T.H Busters: The Secret Law of Attraction.

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CREDITS: Special thanks to David Cowan, Daniel Mendez, and Jim Robinson for their support in launching this series of Skeptic videos.

Written and Produced by: Brian Keith Dalton, Michael Shermer, Pat Linse. Directed, lensed, and edited by: Brian Keith Dalton. Executive Producers: David Cowan, Daniel Mendez, Jim Robinson. Starring: Sean Douglas, Amy Rohren, Michael Shermer, Brian Keith Dalton. Production Assistants: Matthew David, Gediminas Schuppenhauer, Pat Linse. Music by: and Brian Keith Dalton. Additional Video from: Shot on: a Canon C100


10 responses to “Skeptic Presents: You Can’t Handle the Truther”

  1. gary says:

    they did jfk marlin Monroe this is the same thing anything for oil

  2. Michael Campbell says:

    This “Facts Based Film” about what really happened on 911 finally proves that the “Conspiracy Theorists” were right all along. The “Sheep” (the blind U.S. citizens) need to stop following the shepherd that is the U.S. Government (A.K.A. the Lying Bush Administration, the C.I.A., the F.B.I., the N.S.A. and many others). I am so glad you opened my eyes to the “Real Truth” and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was an inside job. Also it is great to see that the people (thousands) who ended the lives of 3000 U.S. “Sheep” signed that Confidentiality Agreement (which of course can never be broken) held up their high standard of integrity by not saying a word to anyone about what really happened.

    Thanks for the Laughs! That was truly FUNNY! I just wish it had been longer so you could have told and shown the “TRUE” story of 911. I really shouldn’t be laughing about the tragedy that day, but it is impossible to not laugh at the “conspiracy theorists'” (the above posters) who actually believe this “TRUTH” about 911.

  3. Donald Stahl says:

    I am seeking one or possibly two HIQ society members to participate in a moderated, videotaped debate/discussion on the subject of 9/11, conducted via Skype. After extensive and prolonged efforts I can find no one to defend the U.S. Government version of those events. Specifically, the proposition under debate would be: “That there is no connection, physically, scientifically, between the impact of the two airliners and the collapse of the three skyscrapers.” The format envisioned is roughly one hour of five-minute turns, with the possibility of ceding minutes.

    Interested parties are invited to contact me at: [email protected]

  4. Jazen says:

    It’s been declassified for years that we knew that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor. We did our best to piss off the Japanese by stealing their money in our banks and blocking their oil shipments. Australian Intelligence told us 5 days in advance the a Japanese Naval Task force was headed towards Pearl. We moved the newest ships to San Diego and let 2,400 good men die so we could enter a war that made many bankers and arms sellers rich. The Rothchilds and Rockefellers to name 2. Why would it surprise any one that the Gov. threw 3000 people under the bus on 911? They were saving the Petro dollar after Saddam got approval from the UN to trade oil for Euros. If OPEC had followed suit we would have had a depression in 2003.

  5. Sam Fickling says:

    This video proves just how ridiculous and pointless 9/11 conspiracy theories are. It’s ok to question things. It’s just that some people go too far. Almost to the point of attempting to rewrite history! Everybody is entitled to their opinion. However when it comes to conspiracy theories I fail to see any critical thinking involved. They do not reflect reality

  6. Steve Francis says:

    UC 9/11 Truth Urbana-Champaign announces The Midwest 9/11 Truth Conference on September 22, 2013. Location: Urbana Free Library auditorium, downtown Urbana, IL.
    Featured speakers include Wayne Madsen (Investigative Journalist), James Fetzer, Ph. D., founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, and Kevin Barrett, Founder of Muslim Jewish Christian Alliance. Steve Francis, author of is host. All topics are open concerning 9/11 Truth including physical and criminal evidence. Included is a critique of Architects & Engineers: Explosive Evidence, Experts Speak Out., Facebook Event UC 9/11 Truth Urbana Champaign, Facebook Event

  7. Michael Fullerton says:

    The fact that Skeptic Magazine can only support the crackpot official story of 9/11 with logical fallacies like the ones in this video, proves they are the very opposite of science-based critical thinkers.

  8. larry young says:

    how mutch did the cia give you to make this crap? guess im an enemy of the state as soon as this email is read by the spys

    • michael says:

      well no because the CIA has a thing about secretly executing people who know that 9/11 was what it was.

  9. george kirkpatrick says:

    Thanks for your works.
    I suggest a visit to
    Yes, architects and engineers say the official story could not have happened.
    Peace Out!

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