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SKEPTICISM 101: How to Think Like a Scientist

Michael Shermer gives a remote lecture on the Pathways to Evil that anyone can watch for free

In Pathways to Evil, Part 2 , Dr. Michael Shermer fleshes out the themes of Part 1 by exploring how the dials controlling our inner demons and better angels can be dialed up or down depending on circumstances and conditions. Are we all good apples but occasionally bad barrels turn good apples rotten, or do we all harbor the capacity to turn bad?

Skepticism 101: How to Think Like a Scientist covers a wide range of topics, from critical thinking, reasoning, rationality, cognitive biases and how thinking goes wrong, and the scientific methods, to actual claims and whether or not there is any truth to them, e.g., ESP, ETIs, UFOs, astrology, channelling, psychics, creationism, Holocaust denial, and especially conspiracy theories and how to think about them.

(Note: The last video clip that was to appear at about 1:14:30, from “The Ascent of Man, Episode 11: Knowledge or Certainty,” had to be cut from this video due to a copyright claim from BBC Studios.)

If you missed Dr. Shermer’s previous Skepticism 101 lectures watch them now.


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