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Campus Craziness: The New War on Science

Skeptic magazine (22.4)

Skeptic 22.4: Campus Craziness
on sale now in print & digital editions

Here’s what’s in the latest issue of Skeptic magazine (22.4): When Science Becomes the Enemy; No Barriers to Inquiry; When Secularism Becomes a Religion: The Alt-Left, the Alt-Right, and Moral Righteousness; Radically Wrong in Berkeley; I Am Not a Racist, and So Are You: An Unauthorized Peek at the Great Shaming Taking Place at an Institution of Higher Learning Near You; From Camelot to Conspiracy: Memory, Myth, and the Death of JFK; The SkepDoc: Diet Sodas; Junior Skeptic on Ghost Ships, and more…

Read Skeptic magazine on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Kindle Fire HD, Mac, and PC. Get the digital edition instantly from, or via the Skeptic Magazine App. Or, pre-order the print edition from Shop Skeptic. The print edition won’t likely hit newsstands for another week or two.

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Ghost Ships

Physically bound inside each and every issue of Skeptic magazine is Junior Skeptic: an engagingly illustrated science and critical thinking publication for younger readers (and the young at heart).

Today we’re leaving safe shores far behind, and sailing out over the waves in search of the sea’s eeriest mysteries. Imagine the ocean at night, a thousand miles from the nearest city light. Imagine cold salt wind on your face, sails overhead, a creaking deck beneath your feet. Suddenly a shadow looms out of the darkness, masts and tattered sails silhouetted against the sky. Your crew shouts in alarm, spinning the wheel to avoid a collision. A strange ship slides by. It is silent and empty, without a living soul on board. Passing like a phantom, it vanishes into the night. What just happened? Can tales of ghost ships be explained? Let’s find out!

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Junior Skeptic # 65

Order Skeptic Magazine 22.4 to get Junior Skeptic # 65


The Evolutionary Genetics of Honor Killings

This lecture, based on a ground-breaking study by one of the greatest evolutionary theorists since Charles Darwin, Robert Trivers, examines the curious case of honor killings, which seem to make no evolutionary sense—why would a father kill his own daughter and thereby eliminate half of his own genes from propagating into the next generation? The answer is to be found in who, exactly, is committing these murders and why.

In short, the vast majority of honor killings are conducted by fathers and uncles who murder young women who have been arranged to marry a first cousin but who have fallen in love with someone outside of the family.

When Dr. Trivers did the genetic analysis he found his answer.

This riveting talk by Dr. Trivers took place in Dr. Michael Shermer’s Skepticism 101 course at Chapman University, filmed on Thursday November 16, 2017.

The lecture was followed by a conversation between Dr. Trivers and Dr. Shermer, which will be released in a separate video at a later date.

Also of Interest, by Robert Trivers

  1. The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception (lecture on DVD)
  2. Skeptic 20.4 — our special issue on Robert Trivers

UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens

In this episode of MonsterTalk, we welcome back alum Don Prothero (Episode 22, Episode 43, Episode 68) and first time guest Timothy Callahan to discuss their new book: UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says. From an introduction to the scientific method, to the often overlooked explanations behind many undying legends of the UFO field, the two authors dive deep into the conspiracies, misconceptions, hoaxes and religions that have emerged from the field of UFOlogy.

UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens: What Science Says (book cover)

Order the hardcover book via Shop Skeptic and support the Skeptics Society

Get the MonsterTalk Podcast App and enjoy the science show about monsters on your handheld devices! Available for iOS, Android, and Windows. Subscribe to MonsterTalk for free on iTunes.

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