In this week’s eSkeptic:

The Science of Lying
When are we most (and least) likely to lie, and why? In Michael Shermer’s April 2014 ‘Skeptic’ column for Scientific American, he takes a brief look at the science of lying.

This week Derek talks with Executive Editor of Sports Illustrated magazine, Jon L. Wertheim. Jon is the author of Scorecasting: The Hidden Influences Behind How Sports Are Played and Games Are Won, the New York Times Beselling book which is an interesting blend of Freakonomics, Moneyball, and Mythbusters. Yes, the book is about sports, but it comes at the world of sports from a scientific angle to expose the hidden forces which shape how games are won and lost, while breaking down many of the superstions and myths which are embedded in popular culture about sports in general.
A Wolf in the Fold
Did it take a silver bullet to kill the beast of Gévaudan? Is that where Curt Siodmak got the idea for his film The Wolfman? Host Blake Smith reveals his findings from more than two years of werewolf research. This episode is the first to go live with a complete transcript and lengthy bibliography.
Jennifer Ouellette — Me, Myself and Why: Searching for the Science of Self
In this lecture, popular science writer Jennifer Ouellette turns her attention to the science of the self and delivers a fascinating survey of the forces that shape who we are and why we act the way we do. Ouellette acts as both journalist and subject, as she takes a battery of personality tests, has her genes sequenced and an MRI brain scan done, and even goes on her first and only LSD trip, all the while taking the reader along for the ride. As an adoptee, with basic information about her biological parents, Ouellette considers what traits she undeniably has inherited through genetics and what traits she has in common with her siblings (also adoptees) and her parents, which leads to a fascinating discussion on synapses and how the brain is wired and continues to change as we grow older.
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Join Us For The Amazing Meeting
South Point Casino, Las Vegas
July 10–13, 2014
How does cognitive science inform the project of skepticism? What brain sciences should you be skeptical about? Are brains hard-wired for belief in the unbelievable? Explore the science of the brain at The Amazing Meeting 2014: the world’s largest celebration of science and skepticism!
Our theme this year—Skepticism & The Brain—focusses on the cognitive and brain sciences and how they inform the project of skepticism. Keynote speakers include the acclaimed philosopher, cognitive scientist, and best selling author DANIEL DENNETT, Scientific American Editor-in-Chief MARIETTE DICHRISTINA, and MICHAEL SHERMER, Editor-in-Chief of Skeptic magazine. Other speakers include neurophilosopher Patricia Churchland, Australia’s Dr. Karl, Evolution & Human Behavior Editor-in-Chief Robert Kurzban, Brainwashed: The Seductive Appeal of Mindless Neuroscience authors Scott Lilienfeld and Sally Satel, M.D., influential memory researcher Elizabeth Loftus, clinical neurologist Steven Novella, M.D., immunologist Paul Offit, M.D., National Center for Science Education’s Eugenie Scott, psychologists and best selling authors Carol Tavris and Richard Wiseman, and many, many more!
This annual celebration of critical thinking is an unparalleled opportunity to make like-minded friends, enjoy some of the brightest minds on issues important to skeptics, and leave with tools for spreading a helpful and educational message to those who might be hurt by charlatans and unfounded belief. Join James Randi and over a thousand other like-minded folks for four days of fun, friendship, and critical thinking!
Enter “SKEPTICMAGAZINE” when registering and save $25.