Now through Sunday
25% off everything at Shop Skeptic
It’s our best sale of the year: the Skeptic 5-day Sale (November 21 through November 25, 2012, PST). Shop now and save 25% off everything at Shop Skeptic, including: books, DVDs, print magazine subscriptions, hoodies, t-shirts (and other cool swag), as well as back issues of Skeptic magazine.
All orders placed at between Wednesday, Nov. 21 through Sunday, Nov. 25 (PST) will be discounted by 25% at checkout. Sale prices shown below include the 25% discount mentioned above. Digital subscriptions & digital back issues are not included in this sale; they are sold within the Skeptic Magazine App, available through Apple, Google & Amazon.
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Order by December 10 for shipments outside the US.
Order by December 19 for shipments inside the US
See our Holiday Shipping page for complete details.
T-Shirts, Hoodies
& Other Swag

Skeptic Hoodies
by American Apparel $46.00
A fitted, sporty unisex zip hoodie in luxurious Flex Fleece fabric: a unique 50/50 cotton/poly blend that offers warmth without being overly bulky. Pre-washed for minimal shrinkage. Contrasting white finished polyester drawcord, metal zipper. Kangaroo pocket. If you are not familiar with how American Apparel fits, refer to the sizing chart below before placing your order. If you don’t like a snug fit, we suggest ordering a size larger than you would normally order from other manufacturers.
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Skeptic T-Shirts
by American Apparel $18.00
Made of 100% fine jersey knit cotton, ring-spun and combed for superior softness and strength. Our unisex fine jersey short sleeve T-shirts, by American Apparel, are the softest, smoothest, best-looking T-shirts available anywhere. If you are not familiar with how American Apparel fits, refer to the sizing chart below before placing your order. If you don’t like a snug fit, we suggest ordering a size larger than you would normally order from other manufacturers.
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Skeptic Lapel Pin $10.00
This tie-tack style metal pin has gold-colored SKEPTIC lettering with a contrasting black background. It’s a great size for a lapel or tie — about 25mm × 6mm (1″ × .25″). It comes in a classy little plastic box suitable for gift-giving. (Note: image not shown actual size.)
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Skeptic Bumper Sticker
1 for $4 or 3 for $8
Designed to withstand the elements, these self-adhesive bumper stickers, made from the highest quality weather resistant and laminated vinyl, are ideal for use on vehicles, windows, refrigerators, school lockers and binders, or just about anywhere you want to stick them. DIMENSIONS: 11.5″ wide × 3″ high. Want something smaller? Check out our 5″ × 2.75″ sticker. ORDER the bumper sticker
Print Subscriptions
& Back Issues

Skeptic Magazine Subscriptions
starting at $30.00
A subscription to Skeptic magazine, the definitive skeptical journal, makes a perfect gift that lasts all year. Promoting science and critical thinking, our articles explore and inform. Buy it. Share it. Help us make the world a more rational place by defending the role of science in society!
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Skeptic Magazine
Back Issues $6.00
Don’t miss this opportunity to complete your collection of Skeptic magazine by getting the back issues you’re missing in your library. Volume 17, number 1 (our Scientology issue) is one of our most popular issues. Order a copy for a friend and introduce them to skepticism. Bound with every issue of Skeptic magazine is Junior Skeptic: the skeptical movement’s most sustained and substantial educational outreach project for children. ORDER back issues
Must-Have Skeptical
Reference Guides

How to Debate a Creationist
by Michael Shermer $5.00
This 28-page booklet is perfect for anyone who wants to know how to converse with a creationist. It contains 25 creationist arguments and 25 evolutionist answers (some philosophic and some scientific); describes what the theory of evolution is and isn’t and explains why creationism is not science; provides an in-depth understanding of Intelligent Design, its pitfalls and logical fallacies, and much more.
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The Baloney Detection Kit
by Michael Shermer & Pat Linse $5.00
This 16-page booklet, designed to hone your critical thinking skills, includes suggestions on what questions to ask, what traps to avoid, specific examples of how the scientific method is used to test pseudoscience and paranormal claims, and a how-to guide for developing a class in critical thinking.
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A Skeptic’s Guide to
Global Climate Change
by Donal Prothero $5.00
Distinguish climate change skepticism from climate change denialism; get 25 answers to classic climate denier arguments; examine a summary of the scientific evidence and climate data and discover what’s behind the debate on climate change; find out why scientists think climate is changing and how we know global warming is real and human caused. This booklet has 28 pages at 8.5 × 11 inches.
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The Skeptic’s Dictionary
by Robert Carroll $19.95
The definitive short-answer debunking of nearly every thing skeptical with nearly 400 definitions, arguments, and essays on topics ranging from acupuncture to zombies. Detailed information on all things supernatural, occult, paranormal, and pseudoscientific, including: alternative medicine; cryptozoology; extraterrestrials and UFOs; frauds and hoaxes; junk science; logic and perception, and more. An invaluable reference.
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On Evolution

Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be
by Daniel Loxton $18.95
Hailed as a “tour-de-force of science writing,” Evolution was crowned in 2010 with Canada’s largest literary prize for children’s science books: The Lane Anderson Award for Best Science Book for Young Readers. Combining lavish illustrations, breezy prose, and deep science, this primer for ages 8–13 has been applauded by expert reviewers including the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Center for Science Education.
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Evolution: What the Fossils Say & Why it Matters
by Donald Prothero $30.00
This book, which has received rave reviews, is one of the best books explaining evolution and new discoveries of the incredibly rich fossil record; plus a no holds barred critique of the claims of creationism and Intelligent Design. Over 200 illustrations. Michael Shermer says of the book: “Prothero’s visual presentation of the fossil and genetic evidence for evolution is so unmistakably powerful that I venture to say that no one could read this book and still deny the reality of evolution.”
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The Greatest Show on Earth
by Richard Dawkins $16.99
This New York Times bestseller is a fierce counterattack against proponents of “Intelligent Design.” Educators are being asked to “teach the controversy” behind evolutionary theory. There is no controversy. Dawkins sifts through rich layers of scientific evidence to make the airtight case that “we find ourselves perched on one tiny twig in the midst of a blossoming and flourishing tree of life and it is no accident, but the direct consequence of evolution by non-random selection.”
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Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design
by Michael Shermer $13.00
Evolution happened, and the theory describing it is one of the most well founded in all of science. Then why do half of all Americans reject it? Historian of science, Michael Shermer, defuses these people’s fears about evolution by examining what it really is, how we know it happened, and how to test it. He examines the difference between supernatural (creationism) v. natural (evolution) design and how evolution can explain complex design.
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Critical Thinking Classics

by James Randi $22.00
Flim-Flam, a classic masterpiece—and the bible of the skeptical movement—is Randi’s account of dozens of his personal investigations into the paranormal that no skeptical bookshelf should be without. With an Introduction by Isaac Asimov, this book includes Randi’s investigations of the Bermuda Triangle, alternative medicine, Transcendental Meditation, ESP, PSI, and how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got taken by fake fairy photographs (despite Houdini’s debunking of them).
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The Faith Healers
by James Randi $25.00
This book is Randi’s greatest investigation and exposé of Peter Popoff, W.V. Grant, Pat Robertson, and Oral Roberts, as seen on the Tonight Show. Steve Martin’s Leap of Faith was based on this book and Randi won a MacArthur “Genius Award” for this work. The Toronto Sun calls it, “A fascinating look at a world of misplaced faith and blind trust that seems more appropriate to the Dark Ages than to the end of the 20th century.”
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The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher
by Martin Gardner $26.00
This book is a classic of skeptical literature filled with thirty-three diverse chapters: a bountiful offering of the delightful drollery and horse sense that has made Martin Gardner the undisputed dean of the critics of pseudoscience. It is also a quick way to get up to speed on many topics.
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Scientific Paranormal Investigation
by Benjamin Radford $16.95
“An excellent primer on how any reasonably observant person interested in looking into paranormal claims can do so without having to invent the art from scratch. The real paydirt here is Ben’s own detailed accounts of events he’s personally looked into… Ben Radford knows his calling. Read, consider, and learn. It’s all here.” —James Randi
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Great for Kids!

The Magic Detectives
by Joe Nickell $15.00
Encourage scientific awareness in children and have them see it as challenging, interesting, and just plain fun! Nickell presents 30 brief mystery stories with clues embedded in each story. At the end of each mystery, the reader can turn the book upside down and see if they have come to the same conclusion reached by the professional ‘magic detectives.’ Included are examinations of the ‘mummy’s curse’, Bigfoot, haunted stairways, walking on fire, ancient astronauts, the Reverend Peter Popoff, the Amityville Horror, the Loch Ness monster, poltergeists, and more.
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Maybe Yes, Maybe No
by Dan Barker $16.00
A good book to inspire discussion with your children about religious belief systems. This book encourages children to ask questions and suggests ways to apply the scientific method to reach conclusions. In addition to religion, the book provides examples from other topics such as UFOs, prophesy, out of body experience, dowsing, levitation, astrology, horoscopes, ESP, telepathy, and telekinesis. Simple straightforward text in a cartoon style. Kids learn how to listen and ask questions; how to seek a simple explanation; what tools and rules a scientist uses to check things out. For ages 7–10 years.
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Sasquatches From
Outer Space
by Tim Yule $15.00
A nice beginning book written in a chatty cheerful style to develop future critical thinkers. Covers astrology, Bigfoot, the Bermuda triangle, ESP, corp circles, the Loch Ness Monster, Vampires, and UFOs and aliens. Teaches basic critical thinking skills that will help young people who are bombarded by fantastic claims to distinguish between fact and fiction. Plenty of common sense examples of how to examine paranormal mysteries the way a scientist would. A “Try This” section encourages hands on thinking skills. For ages 10–15 years.
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Test Your Science IQ
by Charles Cazeau $20.00
Using a question-and-answer format that is fun to read and easy to understand, Dr Charles Cazeau takes you through more than 450 of the most intriguing science questions, from the profound to the amusingly trivial, overing both science and pseudoscience. Clear, well written, yet sophisticated enough for adults. Very strong on why science is important. The perfect book for the junior skeptic in your family which will teach how science works and why it is so important to understanding the world. Fascinating and fun. For ages 12 to adult.
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By Michael Shermer

The Believing Brain
by Michael Shermer $15.99
In this, his magnum opus, Dr. Michael Shermer presents his comprehensive theory on how beliefs are born, formed, nourished, reinforced, challenged, changed, and extinguished. We form our beliefs for a variety of subjective, personal, emotional, and psychological reasons in the context of environments created by family, friends, colleagues, culture, and society at large; after forming our beliefs we then defend, justify, and rationalize them with a host of intellectual reasons, cogent arguments, and rational explanations. Beliefs come first, explanations for beliefs follow.
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Science Friction
by Michael Shermer $10.00
Shermer pretends to be a psychic for a day…and fools everyone; as a psychologist and bicycle racer, he reveals the science behind sports psychology; as a historian and evolutionary theorist he considers what was truly responsible for the mutiny on the Bounty; and as a son, he explores the possibilities of alternative and experimental medicine for his cancer-ravaged mother. And as a skeptic, he turns the skeptical lens onto science itself. In each of the essays, he explores the very personal barriers and biases that plague and propel science, especially when scientists push against the unknown.
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On Religion & Society

The Bible Against Itself
by Randel Helms $7.98
Before the Bible was the Bible it was a lot of little books written by many writers with many different viewpoints. With depth and clarity Dr. Helms shows that, throughout the history of their formation, the Jewish and Christian scriptures developed as the by-products of ongoing theological debates. Far from expressing the unity of thought and doctrinal accord that would reflect divine inspiration, the scriptures represent a series of furious and unrelenting disputes between authors supporting often bitterly divided dogmas.
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Collapse: How Societies Choose To Fail Or Succeed
by Jared Diamond $17.00
What caused some of the great civilizations of the past to collapse into ruin, and what can we learn from their fates? The Pulitzer Prize-winner traces the fundamental patterns of social catastrophe and physical collapse to a combination of environmental degradation, resource depletion, draughts, political upheaval, economic disaster, and war. Diamond employs the comparison method to test his hypotheses about the history of civilization, comparing different collapses at different times in different places around the world.
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