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alleged woolly mammoth
crossing a river

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Internet Video Hoaxes:
A Mammoth Undertaking

Did you see that popular Internet video that allegedly showed a mammoth crossing a river in Siberia? You probably figured it was a hoax—and we did too—but we decided to get to the bottom of the matter. Join us as we discuss the methods and motives for Internet hoax videos. This episode also includes interviews with documentary film maker Ludovic Petho and Alan Melikdjanian (aka Captain Disillusion). Was there really something fishy about that video? Listen to see if you can bear the truth!

Lecture this Sunday: Dr. Peter Diamandis

Pater Diamandis
Abundance: Why the Future Will Be Much Better Than You Think

with Dr. Peter Diamandis
Baxter Lecture Hall

This lecture will take place on
Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 2 pm.

SINCE THE DAWN OF HUMANITY, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—fast. According to the X-Prize creator and entrepreneur Peter H. Diamandis, we will soon be able to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman and child on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp through four forces: exponential technologies, the DIY innovator, the Technophilanthropist, and the Rising Billion. Diamandis establishes hard targets for change and lays out a strategic roadmap for governments, industry and entrepreneurs, giving us plenty of reason for optimism.

Tickets are first come, first served at the door. Seating is limited. $8 for Skeptics Society members and the JPL/Caltech community, $10 for nonmembers. Your admission fee is a donation that pays for our lecture expenses.

Followed by…
  • The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the
    Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care

    with Dr. Eric Topol
    Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 2 pm



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