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In conjunction with Black Friday (Nov. 25, in the US), we are offering our best sale of the year from now through Sunday. For 5 days only, everyone will save 25% off everything in the store including: books, DVDs, CDs, subscriptions, apparel, swag, as well as back issues of Skeptic magazine.

Giving gifts on December 25, Sir Isaac Newton’s birthday, has long been a tradition amongst skeptics. So, we’ve hand-selected the following gems from our catalogue that we think your friends and family will enjoy receiving. (Pssst! Remember: it’s okay to give yourself a gift too!)

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All orders placed between Wednesday, Nov. 23 and Sunday, Nov. 27 will be discounted by 25% at checkout. Sale prices shown below include the 25% discount mentioned in the ad above. Sale ends at midnight Pacific Standard Time, Nov. 27, 2011.

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Here’s What We Recommend

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Skeptic Magazine Subscriptions
starting at $30.00

A subscription to Skeptic magazine, the definitive skeptical journal, makes a perfect gift that lasts all year. Promoting science and critical thinking, our articles explore and inform, and keep science at the forefront of public discourse.
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The Baloney Detection Kit
by Michael Shermer & Pat Linse $5.00

This 16-page booklet, designed to hone your critical thinking skills, includes suggestions on what questions to ask, what traps to avoid, specific examples of how the scientific method is used to test pseudoscience and paranormal claims, and a how-to guide for developing a class in critical thinking.
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The Believing Brain
by Michael Shermer $28.00

In this, his magnum opus, Dr. Michael Shermer presents his comprehensive theory on how beliefs are born, formed, nourished, reinforced, challenged, changed, and extinguished. Sam Harris calls The Believing Brain “a wonderfully lucid, accessible, and wide-ranging account of the boundary between justified and unjustified belief.” Leonard Mlodinow calls it “a tour de force integrating neuroscience and the social sciences.”
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How to Debate a Creationist
by Michael Shermer $5.00

This 28-page booklet is perfect for anyone who wants to know how to converse with a creationist. It contains 25 creationist arguments and 25 evolutionist answers (some philosophic and some scientific); describes what the theory of evolution is and isn’t and explains why creationism is not science; provides an in-depth understanding of Intelligent Design, its pitfalls and logical fallacies.; and much more…
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Trick or Treatment
by Simon Singh & Edzard Ernst, M.D. $25.95

This book is an excellent guide to the confusions and contradictions of alternative medicine written with clarity, integrity and authority. What works? Who can you trust? What alternative cures have positive results? What medical authorities are included in their “Top ten culprits in the promotion of unproven and disproven medicine?” Includes extensive information on the big four: acupuncture, homeopathy, herbs, and chiropractic, plus a “Rapid guide to Alternative Therapies.”
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Natural Experiments
of History

edited by Jared Diamond
& James Robinson

“A superb collection of eminently teachable essays bound together by a common methodological framework that connects it directly to cutting-edge theoretical and empirical research across the disciplines of anthropology, archeology, history, political science, and sociology.” —John Coatsworth, Columbia University. Jon Christensen of Nature says, “All of the essays in Natural Experiments of History will trigger debate.”
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for Young Readers,
by Daniel Loxton

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Evolution: How We and All Living Things Came to Be
by Daniel Loxton $18.95

Hailed as a “tour-de-force of science writing,” the multi-award-nominated Evolution has been crowned with Canada’s largest literary prize for children’s science books. Combining lavish illustrations, breezy prose, and deep science, this primer for ages 8–13 has been applauded by expert reviewers including the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Center for Science Education. Called “the best overview of evolution for children of which I’m aware,” by WIRED GeekDad, Evolution passes the all-important kid test: “This review is a couple of weeks later than I’d hoped, because my 6-yr-old kept stealing it and carrying it around the house to study.”
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Ankylosaur Attack
by Daniel Loxton $16.95

Greeted by the Globe and Mail as “a mind-blower/eyeball popper for that dino-crazy species that lives among us,” Ankylosaur Attack is a suspenseful and spectacular storybook for ages 4 and up. Featuring photorealistic computer-generated dinosaurs, this new release tells an exciting fictional story that transports young readers to a prehistoric world as it might have really looked. “Even by current high standards, the full-spread art is uncommonly photorealistic,” raves Kirkus Reviews. Kids will cheer for the triumph of the armored plant-eaters at the heart of this naturalistic, yet emotionally moving story—and marvel at the immersive realism it achieves.
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Critical Thinking Classics

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Transcendental Temptation
by Paul Kurtz $24.95

In this magnum opus, philosopher Paul Kurtz provides a critique of religion and the paranormal, brilliantly comparing ancient religions with modern New Age beliefs, showing the magical thinking that goes into the temptation we all experience to transcend the here and now for otherworldly spirituality.
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The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher
by Martin Gardner $26.00

This book is a classic of skeptical literature filled with thirty-three diverse chapters: a bountiful offering of the delightful drollery and horse sense that has made Martin Gardner the undisputed dean of the critics of pseudoscience. It is also a quick way to get up to speed on many topics.
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Why People Believe
Weird Things

by Michael Shermer $17.00

In this age of supposed scientific enlightenment, many people still believe in mind reading, past-life regression theory, New Age hokum, and alien abduction. A no-holds-barred assault on popular superstitions and prejudices, this book debunks these nonsensical claims and explores the very human reasons people find otherworldly phenomena, conspiracy theories, and cults so appealing.
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Doubt: A History
by Jennifer Michael Hecht $16.95

This stimulating book is a grand history that celebrates the great doubters and their legacies as
agents of creativity and change. Detroit Free Press says, “Hecht gleefully invites readers on a lively stroll through three millennia of clashes between believers and nonbelievers.” Publisher’s Weekly says, “Hecht’s poetical prose beautifully dramatizes the struggle between belief and denial…”
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Fun with Math & Physics

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Secrets of Mental Math
by Arthur Benjamin
& Michael Shermer

The Mathemagician’s Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks will have you thinking like a math genius in no time! Get ready to amaze your friends—and yourself—with incredible calculations you never thought you could master, as renowned “mathemagician” Arthur Benjamin shares his techniques for lightning-quick calculations and amazing number tricks. This book will teach you to do math in your head faster than you ever thought possible, dramatically improve your memory for numbers, and—dare we say, maybe for the first time—actually make mathematics fun!
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The Physics of
the Buffyverse

by Jennifer Ouellette $15.00

The Buffyverse is an undeniably bizarre place—a world where the melding of magic and science is a defining feature, and mystical convergences and otherworldly phenomena are everyday occurrences. In the tradition of Krauss’s The Physics of Star Trek, Jennifer Ouellette explains complicated principles of biology, chemistry, and theoretical physics. From electricity, conservation of energy, and special relativity to wormholes, black holes, and string theory, The Physics of the Buffyverse provides a serious shot of science for those who prefer their physics with a pop-culture chaser.
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by Richard Dawkins

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The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins $15.95

One of Dawkins’ most important books, this one is his definitive statement on the God question, the origins of morality and religion, the best arguments for and against God’s existence, the dangers of religious extremism, and why science offers the best hope for humanity. Scientific American says,
“Dawkins is frequently dismissed
as a bully, but he is only putting theological doctrines to the same kind of scrutiny that any scientific theory must withstand.”
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The Greatest Show on Earth
by Richard Dawkins $16.99

This New York Times bestseller is a fierce counterattack against proponents of “Intelligent Design.” Educators are being asked to “teach the controversy” behind evolutionary theory. There is no controversy. Dawkins sifts through rich layers of scientific evidence to make the airtight case that “we find ourselves perched on one tiny twig in the midst of a blossoming and flourishing tree of life and it is no accident, but the direct consequence of evolution by non-random selection.”
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The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins $15.95

Dawkins’ brilliant reformulation of the theory of natural selection has the rare distinction of having provoked as much excitement and interest outside the scientific community as within it. This
30th anniversary edition retains all original material and a new Introduction wherein the author presents his thoughts thirty years after the publication of his first and most famous book, while the inclusion of the two-page original Foreword by brilliant American scientist Robert Trivers shows the enthusiastic reaction of the scientific community at that time.
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Climbing Mount Improbable
by Richard Dawkins $16.95

A brilliant book celebrating improbability as the engine that drives life. The human eye is so complex and works so precisely that it appears to be the product of design. How could such an intricate object have come about by chance? Dawkins builds a carefully reasoned and lovingly illustrated argument for evolutionary adaptation as the mechanism for life on earth. The eye did not come about by chance. It was designed … by evolution.
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by James Randi

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by James Randi $22.00

Flim-Flam, a classic masterpiece—and the bible of the skeptical movement—is Randi’s account of dozens of his personal investigations into the paranormal that no skeptical bookshelf should be without. With an Introduction by Isaac Asimov, this book includes Randi’s investigations of the Bermuda Triangle, alternative medicine, Transcendental Meditation, ESP, PSI, and how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got taken by fake fairy photographs (despite Houdini’s debunking of them).
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The Faith Healers
by James Randi $25.00

This book is Randi’s greatest investigation and exposé of Peter Popoff, W.V. Grant, Pat Robertson, and Oral Roberts, as seen on the Tonight Show. Steve Martin’s Leap of Faith was based on this book and Randi won a MacArthur “Genius Award” for this work. The Toronto Sun calls it, “A fascinating loo at a world of misplaced faith and blind trust that seems more appropriate to the Dark Ages than to the end of the 20th century.”
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by Donald Prothero

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Greenhouse of
the Dinosaurs

by Donald Prothero $29.95

Prothero discusses the latest findings in geology and paleontology, providing an insider’s view of the profession. His detailed, first-person narrative allows readers to experience the personalities, the debates, the controversies, the development of new scientific techniques, and the latest scientific findings as they happened. This book is a valuable, no-nonsense, must-read for anyone interested in paleontology or geology, or anyone considering entering those fields.
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by Donald Prothero $30.00

Catastrophes! Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and Other Earth-Shattering Disasters is a fascinating read, describing historic catastrophic events and the forces that cause them in gripping detail. These tales of geologic history and human fortitude and folly will stay with you long after you put the book down, leaving you with a respect for the mighty power of the earth—and a humbling view of our future.
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by Sam Harris

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The End of Faith
by Sam Harris $13.95

Sam Harris’ first book was an instant bestseller because of its cogent arguments and literary clarity, in which the author argues that because of weapons of mass destruction the world can no longer tolerate violent religions, and that in fact even moderate religious beliefs only encourage extremists by enabling their supernatural beliefs.
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The Moral Landscape
by Sam Harris $26.95

Sam Harris tears down the wall between scientific facts and human values, arguing that most people are simply mistaken about the relationship between morality and the rest of human knowledge, and urges us to think about morality in terms of human and animal well-being, viewing the experiences of conscious creatures as peaks and valleys on a “moral landscape.”
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on the Bible

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Secret Origins of the Bible
by Tim Callahan $29.95

Callahan uses ancient history, linguistics, archaeology, comparative mythology, and numismatics to reveal that all major stories in the Bible have historical antecedents that can be traced to very non-divinely produced works by other cultures. A must-read for anyone wishing to understand the Bible.
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The Bible Against Itself
by Randel Helms $21.95

With depth and clarity Dr. Helms shows that, throughout the history of their formation, the Jewish and Christian scriptures developed as the by-products of ongoing theological debates. Far from expressing the unity of thought and doctrinal accord that would reflect divine inspiration, the scriptures represent a series of furious and unrelenting disputes between authors supporting often bitterly divided dogmas.
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