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A Death Valley Adventure
a three-day tour of the great basin, led by Dr. Donald Prothero

Saturday January 16 – Monday January 18, 2010

limited space left


This tour will sell out quickly with this announcement. To secure a reservation, phone the Skeptics Society office at 626-794-3119 with your credit card number.

This tour is now sold out.

Redrock Canyon (photo by Gingi Yee)

Redrock Canyon

Hello fellow Geo-Trekkers,

Join us for a 3-day, 2-night tour of the beautiful scenery and natural history of the Mojave desert and western great basin. We will visit spectacular geological sites such as Death Valley, Kelso Dunes, and Pinnacles National Natural Landmark, with trilobite collecting in the Nopah Range, and a tour of the fossil beds at Redrock Canyon State Park. Some of our stops in Death Valley will include sinuous Mosaic Canyon, the dunes at Stovepipe Wells, the old borax works, the salt flats at Devil’s Golf Course, the lowest point in North America, and the spectacular vistas from Zabriskie Point and Dante’s View.

Devil's Golf Course (photo by Gingi Yee)

The Devil’s Golf Course

Each night we stay in highly-rated hotels (breakfast included), and there will be picnic lunches all three days. The guides will also provide information about the geology and natural history of the whole route, and access to sites normally not open to the general public. There will be a detailed guidebook included as part of the tour. Tour package includes charter bus, breakfast, lunch, lectures, museums, park fees, fossil collecting, a guide booklet and hotels. Your trip fee also includes a $100 donation to the Skeptics Society. Seats are limited, so make your reservations soon!

Hope to see you in January,
Teresa LeVelle & Donald Prothero

DOWNLOAD complete details & registration form in PDF >

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All photographs are by Gingi Yee.

Year-end clearance:

book cover

Limited quantities available.
Sale on while supplies last.

Autographed, hardback 1st edition
hardback $26 $8.95
Mind of the Market
Shermer explains how evolution shaped the modern economy and why people are so irrational about money. How did we make the leap from ancient hunter-gatherers to modern consumers and traders? Why do people get so emotional and irrational about bottom-line financial and business decisions? In this eye-opening exploration, Shermer uncovers the evolutionary roots of our economic behavior. Order the book
book cover

Limited quantities available.
Sale on while supplies last.

50% off the cover price!
paperback $15.95 $7.98
hardback $21.95 $10.98
The Bible Against Itself
Before the Bible was the Bible it was a lot of little books written by many writers with many different viewpoints. If you open up the Bible and read it straight through, you will notice two things that should not be true if it had been written as a coherent whole and with a single purpose. First, the Bible is quite repetitious; second, the Bible frequently seems to contradict itself. Randel Helms discusses these contradictions by looking at the cultural and historical factors that produced them.
Order the harback
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Evolutionary Medicine

Bill Meller

Bill Meller

Water bottles, hand sanitizer, antibacterial soap, antibiotics — ancient humans had none of these things. How did our ancestors adapt to their environment? Given the vastly different diet, exercise, and hygiene of modern humans, what impact do those ancient adaptations have today?

This ancestral health legacy is illuminated by the field of evolutionary medicine. On Skepticality this week, Swoopy talks with Dr. William Meller, MD about his book Evolution RX. He delves into the latest research in genetics, biology, and early human history to understand a wide array of human health conditions — and the ways in which our bodies have evolved to combat them.

LISTEN to this episode

From Faitheist to Fundagnostical

In this week’s SkepticBlog post, Shermer shares his concerns about the dangers of alienating the vast majority of the world’s population by insisting that people of faith renounce every last ounce of their beliefs before they are allowed to join the common fight against the many scourges of humanity in need of our attention.
READ the post

Does Belief in God Make People Prosperous?

As a follow-up to his recent debate with Dinesh S’Souza, Shermer belatedly answers the question moderator Hugh Hewitt posed to him during the debate.
READ the post


lecture this Sunday…

Dr. Donald Prothero

Dr. Donald Prothero will lecture on
Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009 at 2 pm

Greenhouse of
the Dinosaurs
Evolution, Extinction,
and the Future of Our Planet

with Dr. Donald Prothero

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009 at 2 pm
Baxter Lecture Hall, Caltech
Pasadena, California

READ about this lecture >
VIEW all past lectures from various speakers>

Important ticket information

Tickets are first come first served at the door. Sorry, no advance ticket sales. Seating is limited. $8 Skeptics Society members & Caltech/JPL Community; $10 General Public.

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