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Skeptic Five-Day Sale! 25% off everything in the store (5 days only)!

From now thru Sunday, we are having our  best sale of the year  centered around the national BLACK FRIDAY sale. For  5 days only, everyone will save  25% off everything in the store including: books, DVDs, CDs, subscriptions, swag, and back issues of Skeptic.


All orders placed between Wednesday, November 25 and Sunday, November 29, 2009 will be discounted by 25%. Sale ends at midnight Pacific Standard Time, November 29, 2009.


Spread a little skeptic cheer this year! Giving gifts on December 25, Sir Isaac Newton’s birthday, has long been a tradition amongst skeptics, so here are a few gems we’ve hand-selected from our catalogue that we think your friends and family will enjoy receiving (it’s okay to buy yourself a gift too!).

Sale prices shown below include the 25% Skeptic Five-Day Sale discount mentioned in the ad above. Sale prices are in effect until November 29, 2009 at midnight PST.

Give the Gift of Understanding

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$17   now only $12.75

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
by Jared Diamond

In this Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Diamond examines the downfall of some of history’s greatest civilizations.
ORDER the paperback
ORDER the lecture

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$15.95   now only $11.96

Guns, Germs, and Steel
by Jared Diamond

Why did Eurasians conquer so much of the world? Diamond reveals the environmental factors responsible for history’s broadest patterns.
ORDER the paperback
ORDER the National
  Geographic DVD

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$30   now only $22.50

Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why
it Matters

by Donald Prothero

One of the best books explaining evolution and new discoveries of the incredibly rich fossil record; plus a no holds barred critique of the claims of creationism and Intelligent Design.
ORDER the hardcover

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$14   now only $10.50

A Devil’s Chaplain
by Richard Dawkins

Dawkins examines the following through the lens of natural selection: education, ape rights, jury trials, Darwinism, memes, religion, academic obscurantism, and pseudoscience.
ORDER the paperback

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$25.95   now only $19.46

Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts About Alternative Medicine
by Simon Singh & Edzard Ernst

An excellent guide to the confusions and contradictions of alternative medicine. What alternative cures have positive results? Who are the top ten culprits in the promotion of unproven and disproven medicine?
ORDER the hardback

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$25   now only $18.75

Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America’s Soul
by Kenneth Miller

Providing an insider’s view of the evolution-creationism debate, this is the definitive book on the Dover trial on evolution and intelligent design by the prosecution’s key witness.(Discontinued. Very limited quantities available.)
ORDER the harback

Introduce Someone to Skepticism

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$22   now only $16.50

Flim Flam: Psychics, Esp, Unicorns and Other Delusions
by James Randi, with an
introduction by Isaac Asimov

This is the bible of the skeptical movement: an account of dozens of Randi’s personal investigations into the paranormal. No skeptical bookshelf should be without it.
ORDER the paperback

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$15.95   now only $11.96

The Demon-Haunted World
by Carl Sagan

The great astronomer and science writer challenges New Agers and explains social phenomena like UFOs, alien abductions, recovered memories, satanic cults, witch crazes, hallucinations, and more.
ORDER the paperback

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$16   now only $12

Why People Believe
Weird Things

by Michael Shermer

Many people still believe in mind reading, past-life regression theory, New Age hokum, and alien abduction. This book is an eye-opening resource for the most gullible among us and those who want to protect them.
ORDER the paperback

to Skeptic Magazine

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$30+   now only $22.50 and up

Skeptic Magazine

A subscription to Skeptic magazine, the definitive skeptical journal, makes a perfect gift that lasts all year. Promoting science and critical thinking, our articles explore and inform, and keep science at the forefront of public discourse.
ORDER a subscription

Stocking Stuffers

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$5   now only $3.75

The Soul of Science
by Michael Shermer

Michael Shermer asks, “Can we find spiritual meaning and purpose in a scientific worldview?” This is a 3.5 x 5.5 inch, 35 page, mini pocket booklet.
ORDER the pocket booklet
ORDER the audiobook on CD
(now only $7.46)

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$2   now only $1.50 (3 for $3)

Vinyl sticker

This 5″x2.75″ self-adhesive sticker is made from laminated vinyl.
ORDER the sticker

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$10   now only $7.50

Metal Lapel or Tie Pin

This metal pin with gold-colored lettering on a contrasting black background is a great size for a lapel or tie. Size approximately
25mm x 6mm (1″ x .25″).
ORDER the lapel pin

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$19.95   now only $14.96

Why Darwin Matters
(abridged audiobook)

by Michael Shermer

Dr. Shermer, once an evangelical Christian and a creationist, is now one of the best-known public intellectuals defending evolutionary theory. Why Darwin Matters provides readers with an insiders’ guide to the evolution-creation debate, and why science should be embraced by people of all beliefs.
ORDER the audiobook

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$19.95   now only $14.96

The Mind of the Market
(abridged audiobook)

by Michael Shermer

Is the capitalist marketplace a sort of Darwinian organism, evolved through natural selection as the fittest way to satisfy our needs? In this eye-opening exploration, Shermer uncovers the evolutionary roots of our economic behavior.
ORDER the audiobook

For Young Readers (and the Young at Heart)

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$15   now only $11.25

The Magic Detectives
by Joe Nickell

30 mysteries encourage readers to think for themselves before the solution is offered, including: ghosts, mummy’s curses, alien creatures, Lock Ness, and more. Recommended for ages 9–14).
ORDER the paperback

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$16   now only $12

Maybe Yes, Maybe No:
A Guide for Young Skeptics

by Dan Barker

Join Andrea on her cartoon-strip-style skeptical adventures and learn what tools and rules scientists use to check things out. Recommended for ages 7–10.
ORDER the paperback

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$20   now only $15

Test Your Science IQ
by Charles J. Cazeau

This addictive book contains hundreds of questions and answers on science and pseudoscience, with an emphasis on why science is important. Sophisticated enough for adults, this book is recommended for ages 12 and up.
ORDER the paperback

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$12.95   now only $9.71

Secrets of Mental Math
by Arthur Benjamin
& Michael Shermer

The Mathemagician’s Guide to Lightning Calculation & Amazing Math Tricks will have you thinking like a math genius in no time. Amaze others — and yourself!
ORDER the paperback

Reflections on Religion

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$20   now only $15

Letting Go of God
by Julia Sweeney

Julia Sweeney (of Saturday Night Live fame, 1989–1994) delivers one of her best-ever comedy routines, praised as brave, hilarious, and “a gale-force breathe of fresh air into a mostly polemic dialogue about religion in our time” by the Los Angeles Times.

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$19.95   now only $14.96

Letting Go of God
by Julia Sweeney

“…the single most popular story we’ve ever put on our show in over ten years on the air. We were deluged with email … Somehow, against all common sense, Julia is making something funny that has no business being funny.”
This American Life.

“While she scores flawlessly deadpan laughs at the expense of Mormonism, Deepak Chopra, Astrology and Catholicism (the tradition she was happily raised in), Sweeney is after much bigger game — challenging and disarming believers of all stripes and intensities…” —Los Angeles Times

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$19.95   now only $14.96

Root of All Evil?
The Original Program

by Richard Dawkins

In this two-part documentary, Oxford Professor Richard Dawkins examines how religious faith is gaining ground in the face of rational, scientific truth. Dawkins meets with religious leaders and their followers, as well as scientists and skeptics to examine the power of religion.

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$24.95   now only $18.71

Root of All Evil?
The Uncut Interviews

by Richard Dawkins

This 3-DVD collection showcases eight raw and uncut interviews from the original Root of All Evil? tapes, allowing the viewer a rare vantage point into these revealing exchanges.
ORDER the 3-DVD set

Skeptic Magazine App on iPhone


Whether at home or on the go, the SKEPTIC App is the easiest way to read your favorite articles. Within the app, users can purchase the current issue and back issues. Download the app today and get a 30-day free trial subscription.

Download the Skeptic Magazine App for iOS, available on the App Store
Download the Skeptic Magazine App for Android, available on Google Play
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