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Skeptic Volume 15, Number 1

In this issue: “The Greatest Story Ever Garbled”—a Christian Origins Conspiracy Theory; Everything I Needed to Know about Skepticism I Learned from Scooby-Doo; SkepDoc on Homeopathy; Placebos; Stage a UFO Hoax; Atheism a Stealth Religion?; Criminal Injustice; Testing Orgone Energy; Matt Ridley on Evolutionary Economics; Ape Language Controversy; Science of Love, and more…

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detail of War: History, Causes & Solutions CD

Join Michael Shermer in the Classroom!
War: History, Causes & Solutions

detail of the History of Science DVD

A couple months ago, we brought out Michael Shermer’s college course on the History of Science. Now we are pleased to announce that Dr. Shermer’s course entitled “War: History, Causes, Solutions” is available for purchase in a handsome boxed set of audio CDs with MP3 files of 36 lectures (27 hours in total). That is only $2.75 per lecture, less than a Starbucks’ latté! Order your copy now, and if you don’t already own Dr. Shermer’s History of Science course you can purchase both courses together for an additional $51, for a total of $150 for both sets!

These CDs are designed to play on MP3 players, computers & newer automotive CD players. Over 25 hours of lectures are compressed into only three CDs.

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Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World?

Michael Shermer and Dinesh D’Souza go toe-to-toe on some of the greatest issues related to science and religion: is there evidence for God’s existence, what is the proper relationship between science and religion, and has religion been a force for good or evil in the world?

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Onward Christian Soldiers!

While you’re there be sure to read the blog posts of the other Skepticbloggers: Brian Dunning, Kirsten Sanford, Mark Edward, Phil Plait, Ryan Johnson, Steven Novella, and Yau-Man Chan.

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