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Skepticality: The Official Podcast of Skeptic Magazine
Daniel Loxton

What Do I Do Next?

In 2007, Junior Skeptic Editor Daniel Loxton called for renewed focus on classical skeptical activism in an essay entitled “Where Do We Go From Here?” Released simultaneously as a PDF from and as an audio essay on Skepticality, this article drew tremendous positive response.

But many listeners wanted to know, what’s the next step? How does one become a skeptical activist?

This week, Skepticality and are pleased to release the follow-up project, “What Do I Do Next?: Leading Skeptics Discuss 105 Practical Ways to Promote Science and Advance Skepticism.”

Daniel Loxton returns to tell Swoopy how a panel of 13 skeptics contributed almost 30,000 words of impassioned, in-depth commentary to this groundbreaking document — and how skeptics like you will take it to the next level.

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105 Things You Can Do
to Promote Skeptical Activism

ebook cover

cover art for the full panel discussion

We’re pleased to announce the exclusive web release of “What Do I Do Next?” (PDF), a 68-page ebooklet — available completely free from

Bringing together 13 leading skeptics from several organizations, this large-scale collaborative project attempts to answer the question, “Alright, I’m ready to become a skeptical activist. Now what?”

Inside, you’ll discover 105 things you can do to promote science and advance skeptical thinking. In a conversation of unprecedented breadth and detail, the panelists share 30,000 words of wisdom and advice about those 105 points.

Whether you’re a bright new skeptic or a long-time veteran, this point-by-point panel discussion is packed with ideas you’ll find provocative and valuable.

Download the full discussion — or survey a point-form distillation of the entire list at (html format).

The Panel
Discuss & Contribute

Share your thoughts about this project at the Skeptic Forum! This list of 105 ideas for skeptical activism is meant as a beginning, a meeting place, a keystone for conversation. We hope you’ll bring your own ideas and creativity to the table — and that you find this topic as inspiring as we have.

Debate, discuss, expand — and invite others to join the conversation at

full discussion (PDF)

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