Most skeptics know that self-proclaimed psychics such as Uri Geller, who claim to be able to bend cutlery with just their minds, are actually using magic and trickery to do so. Of course, if they could really bend metal with just their minds you have to wonder why at some point they always have to touch the spoon. The answer is obvious to skeptics: because the only way to bend a spoon is by physically bending it! But how?
In this video demonstration I bend spoons and forks and give you just enough information so that you can figure how how to do it yourself (without actually providing a full reveal of the trick). This video demonstration was inspired by James “the Amazing” Randi, whose miniature likeness supervises the entire process (you have to watch the video to see what I mean). As Randi likes to say, “if psychics are bending spoons with psychic power they’re doing it the hard way.”
WATCH the video at SkepticBlog.org >
While you’re there be sure to read the blog posts of the other Skepticbloggers: Brian Dunning, Kirsten Sanford, Mark Edward, Phil Plait, Ryan Johnson, Steven Novella, and Yau-Man Chan.

Back Inside The Discovery Institute
On a recent episode of Skepticality, guests Kate Holden and Tiana Dietz proposed their joint project, “Visit Discovery,” which encourages people to visit Seattle’s Intelligent Design think tank The Discovery Institute. Is there hope of fostering better dialog between advocates of science and proponents of Intelligent Design?
This week’s guest, Maria Maltseva, a Seattle skeptic and practicing attorney, talks with Derek & Swoopy about her own recent visits to The Discovery Institute, where her talks with Institute insiders yielded a wealth of interesting information.
The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure & Human Evolution
Denis Dutton in Conversation with Michael Shermer

Wednesday, January 7 at 7 PM
Mark Taper Auditorium
Central Library, Los Angeles
Combining two fascinating and contentious disciplines — art and evolutionary science — a philosopher professor and founder/editor of the popular Arts & Letter Daily, Dennis Dutton, argues that human tastes in art are shaped by Darwinian selection.
Presented by ALOUD. Program is free. Reservations are recommended.

skull of a Carnotaurus
January Geology Tour: It’s Our Fault!
Saturday, January 31, 2009 SOLD OUT
San Andreas Fault, Southern California
Contact us if you’re interested in an identical tour on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009.
(The February date is tentative depending on if there is enough interest to fill an additional bus).
READ more information
& DOWNLOAD the registration form

Checkerboard Mesa on the road leading east out of Zion National Park. The horizontal cross-beds of this 200 million year-old Navajo Sandstone formation are petrified sand dunes, fractured by a vertical system.
June Geology Tour: Utah or Bust!
June 8–13, 2009
Dinosaurs, Trilobites & Geology Galore
Geologic wonders of southern Utah: Zion, Bryce, and Capitol Reef National Parks; visit richest dinosaur-bearing sites in the world ordinarily closed to the public; trilobite fossil dig. On site lectures by Dr. Donald Prothero.