9/11 Conspiracy issue
available now
In this issue of Skeptic magazine, Phil Molé puts the 9/11 Truth Movement in perspective and demolition experts examine the arguments of conspiracy theorists. Also, you’ll get James Randi on psychics, the SkepDoc on alternative medicine; a critique of Michael Behe’s Big Bang defense of Intelligent Design; and an anthropologist’s first hand experience on the function of fortune telling in an impoverished society. Plus: who are the people who say they were abducted by aliens?, artificial intelligence, prayer & healing, the ball lightning conundrum, and 3 views of anti-aging. Reviews of The Gospel of Judas, Lonesome George, Conservation Icon; Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, by Daniel Dennett The Evolution-Creation Struggle, by Michael Ruse; Misquoting Jesus, by Bart Ehrman, and more…

Zimmerman’s “Faulty Intelligence” CD (cover detail)
Three Roy Zimmerman CDs
available now at shop skeptic
Roy Zimmerman has been writing satirical songs for twenty years. He’s shared the stage with George Carlin, Bill Maher, Kate Clinton, Dennis Miller, Sandra Tsing Loh, kd lang, Andy Borowitz, and Paul Krassner, and played a series of shows swapping songs with The Pixies’ Frank Black.
Zimmerman founded and wrote all the material for the satirical folk quartet The Foremen, who recorded for Warner Reprise throughout the nineties. As a solo artist, he’s released five albums, the latest of which is Faulty Intelligence. “I hope it gets good reviews,” he says, “but mostly I hope it gets denied under oath by Karl Rove.”

Rebecca Watson (Skepchicks founder)
Cheesecake (and Beefcake!)
in Support of Critical Thinking?

The Bad Astronomer himself, Dr. Phil Plait, at last year’s Amazing Meeting
Quick — what do pin-up photos of famous skeptics and the James Randi Educational Foundation’s The Amazing Meeting conference have in common? Why, this week’s episode of Skepticality, of course!
Skepticality correspondent David Federlein interviews Skepchick founder (and head volunteer) Rebecca Watson about the 2007 Skepchicks and Skepdudes calendars. The proceeds from these popular, good-natured calendars provide financial assistance to inspired independent applicants for projects “furthering science and reason.”
Then, Derek & Swoopy talk to Bad Astronomy’s Dr. Phil Plait about his own revealing 2007 Skepdude photo. Phil — hopping with excitement about the swiftly upcoming Amazing Meeting 5 in fabulous Las Vegas — also shares his glowing memories from last year’s conference.
Plus: a sneak peak at next episode’s MythBusters interviews!
also of interest…

Dr. Shermer admiring his Philip J. Klass Award. (photograph by Nelson Davis Jr.)
Double accolades for Why Darwin Matters
In October 2006, during a book tour for Why Darwin Matters, the National Capital Area Skeptics presented to Michael Shermer the Philip J. Klass award for outstanding contributions in promoting critical thinking and scientific understanding.
Also last month, the Kansas City Star named Why Darwin Matters on its list of 100 noteworthy books chosen by The Star’s literary panel.
Lecture at Caltech now available on DVD
Michael Shermer’s lecture at Caltech on the topic of Why Darwin Matters is now available at shop skeptic on DVD, VHS, and other audio visual formats.
In this lecture, Dr. Shermer defuses objections to the theory of evolution by examining what it really is, how we know it happened, and how to test it. He discusses what science is, demonstrating clearly how and why creationism and Intelligent Design are not science. Then, he builds a powerful case for evolution as the scientific theory that most closely parallels the Christian model of human nature and the conservative model of free market economics. Once an evangelical Christian and a creationist, Michael Shermer provides readers with an insider’s guide to the evolution-creation debate, and why science should be embraced by people of all beliefs.

Looking for good gift ideas
for skeptical loved ones?
for kids
- Dan Barker‘s Maybe Yes, Maybe No
- MythBusters: Don‘t Try This at Home!
- Joe Nickell‘s The Magic Detectives
stocking stuffers (each are $5)
- Michael Shermer & Pat Linse‘s
The Baloney Detection Kit - Michael Shermer‘s How to Debate a Creationist
- Michael Shermer‘s The Soul of Science
on religion
- Julia Sweeney‘s Letting Go of God CDs
- Richard Dawkins’ new book The God Delusion
- Richard Dawkins’ new DVD The Root of All Evil?
- The Great Debate — Does God Exist?
Michael Shermer v. Douglas Geivett
… and many more items for skeptics
young and old at Shop Skeptic